latest stunts!
reverse 180!
who's this smashthegas dude?
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fry my tyres!
get your own wheelspinnin' diary from that cool andrewdude!
the designer of this website - go see!

Two Thousand and Seven, The Twenty-Seventh
13/04/2007, 12:52

Gosh I have neglected you all so much due to becoming an addict.

No, not to the drugs again.

This time, it's something much, much worse.

Second Life.

Oh OKAY! I know I shouldn't have got sucked in. It's all another d*landers fault. Another d*lander who shall remain nameless until I find time to write more.

Meanwhile I shall leave you with this nugget.

A dude in work - lets call him Matthew - is a gay dude and likes to use that as an excuse for everyone picking on him. I made a bitchy comment to him in the team meeting on Thursday because he was being an officious, whining old bastard, and as such I and got dragged into the office for possibly the quickest bollocking on record by CG, the big boss.

Smash enters office of CG, and isn't even invited to sit down, such is the apoplectic rage spewing from CG's every pore.

CG: Smash, are you picking on Matthew because he's gay?

Smash: No, I'm picking on Matthew because he's a wanker.

CG: (Rage at uncontrollable level) OH JUST GET BACK TO YOUR DESK AND TAKE SOME CALLS!!!

Smash: Okaaaaaaaayy.

Smash - 1 -- Officious Whining Bastard - 0

\m/ xxx

