latest stunts!
reverse 180!
who's this smashthegas dude?
can you kick it?
fry my tyres!
get your own wheelspinnin' diary from that cool andrewdude!
the designer of this website - go see!

2008-06-08, 2:22 a.m.

Greetings from the great new Empire, also known as the US, or for you European folk, "Amerika." Everyone else can just call us God, unless you're an Islamic fundamentalist, in which case you may refer to us as, "Ooo, yeah Daddy yeah, spank me again, harder!"

This entry is brought to you by Sunny, one of Smashy's relatively new friends. Smash and I haven't had the pleasure of meeting each other in real life yet, but I'm quite sure he has terribly crooked teeth. I also suspect him to be clinically insane as I have him on record as stating that the Beatles suck. Then again, all that tire squealing has probably left him half deaf so he wouldn't know good music from a Boeing 747 jumbo jet engine.

But I digress, Smash is actually a very good Diaryland buddy, despite the fact that he lives in a country where everyone drives on the wrong side of the road. He named me Sunny, after all, so he can't be that bad. In fact, Smash is such a great person that he gave me free access to his diary so I could type up an entry where I proceed to make fun of him for 3 paragraphs. (I'm telling you, clinically insane people!) I would never give someone so much power over my site, especially a stranger on the internet, but that is part of what makes Smashykins so special - he's such a trusting dude. So, as a reward for being such a great DL friend, I went out a found Smash a new car:


What do you think, Smash? I think it's in your price range. Plus you only have to buy two new tires for it at a time, so it's a car that keeps on saving!

Well, it's past 2AM here in the chosen land, so I must go to bed. I hope you like your new car, Smash. My apologies in advance for anyone who found my brilliant jokes to be cruel or offensive, um, you suck and I can't help that.

**No cars were harmed in the making of this post.

