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i'm am man, not a boy.... right?
11/01/2006, 15:10

Here I am!

I didn't get chance to update yesterday, as I was too busy getting the ball rolling over here.

Plus I also had to do hasty rewrites of the other episodes I've written because The Dude Smed begged, nay... demanded a role. Heheh, I'm teasing, of course, but I hate to see a grown dude cry.

What to do with his character though? Nice family guy? Or evil dude that could ultimately usurp Candoor from his position as (possibly soon to be) most hated guy in soap?

Decisions, decisions. I've created a monster, I know.

Can you imagine if I kill one of the posse off? I'd be deleted from buddy lists and hated forevermore.


Okay enough babble about that now. But people, go and check it out and let me know what you think.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A quite unbelievable thing happened last night.

I went out for a Chinese meal with the rents, and who should I meet in the restaurant, but a girl named Suzanne, who I was at school with many moons ago!

I guess I should tell you the story, first.

Suzanne was quite plain, I guess, at school. (I was, and still am fugly, too, so I'm not being condescending, people.) Anyways, as was customary, the dudes and I used to get the babes cards on Valentines Day and stuff in the hope of ingratiating ourselves and getting cheeky with them after hours.

Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn't.

Anyways, Suzanne was always the poor babe that didn't get any cards from dudes, and, for some reason even then, I had a bit of a conscience I guess you'd call it.

So I bought her a card and slipped it into her locker at school when no one was looking, just so she wouldn't be left out. (I believe this was when I was fourteen.)

She didn't say why of course, but she went round school all day with her head held high and a grin on her face, hehe. I still remember it even now. Of course, being the basedude that I was (read: am) I had no intention of taking it further, but I just wanted her not to be sad as I didn't (and still don't) like being around unhappy people. I know not everyone can be happy all the time, but we might as well try, right?

Anyways, she has blossomed into an absolute babe! A true honey! It was only that she recognised me (who wouldn't?) that I spoke to her at all, cos I surely wouldn't have known it was her.

Anyways, we got talking and I had a quick drink with her while the rents went for a wander, and she asked me out on a date on Saturday night!

And I have my date with delightful Daniella on Friday night, too! (She's the babe I met at the club a few weeks back, I mentioned her a few entries ago. She is taking me out to dinner, hehe.)

I could be getting more booty than the prolific Workcrush at this rate!

I'll just see how things go, I guess.

Squeeeeeee! (ROFL)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In a final piece of news, I am about to admit to you something that I know I really shouldn't.

A CD got delivered today.

"Oh really, Smash? Another wailing geetar filled, drum bashin' growl filled metal compilation?"

Umm, not exactly.

It's... *coughthechesneyhawkesoneandonlyalbumcough*

Okay, there, I said it.

Oh, I know, but it was a used copy going for $3.96 on I didn't even pay any shipping for some reason. So for the UK equivalent of �2.50 who was I to argue?

And I used to love the cheesy Chezzah.

And, just for the record, I'm listening to it now and boppin' while I write this entry.

Every day when you treat me like a kid/I'm not your little boy I'm not your little toy...

Oh shut up!

Smashxxx \m/

