latest stunts!
reverse 180!
who's this smashthegas dude?
can you kick it?
fry my tyres!
get your own wheelspinnin' diary from that cool andrewdude!
the designer of this website - go see!

19/06/2008, 00:21

Hey everyone!

Just a quickie to let you know I am back (have been for nearly a week actually, hehe) and will be updating properly soon.

Thank you so much to my guest entry writers, who, as always, did me proud and made laugh. Lovez to ya all!

Update on Stepfie's wedding and holiday coming soon! I'm just pooped at the moment cos I've taken a second job to earn some extra money for a while, working three evenings a week till 1am!

Woo! And Hoo!

So naturally your favourite big hairy rockerdude is rather pooped, hehe.

But I love you all dearly and will update soon I promise, xxx \m/ \m/

